Monday, December 6, 2010

Boy in the Striped Pajamas Due 12/10

Bruno asks his father about the people outside their house at Auschwitz.His father answers, "They're not people at all Bruno." (p. 53) Discuss the horror of this attitude. How does his father's statement make Bruno more curious about Out-With?


  1. I think that because his father gave him that answer that Bruno was wondering about those people because they look like people and talk like people but his father says they are not people. So his curiosity gets the better of him. Also his father’s answer was influenced by the fury which the fury tricked him. That answer still is bad because just because they don’t treat them like people doesn’t mean they aren’t people.("Those people...well, they're not people at all, Bruno.")

  2. I think that when Bruno asked his father about Auschwitz and the people. His father responded the people their are not people. Then I think that Bruno wondered why these people where not considered people .although that the people at Auschwitz talk, walk, see, and taste and fill the same as regular people so this is another reason why Bruno wonders. Also I think that Bruno doesn’t understand that his father or the company that he works for (fury) doesn’t like the type of religion of Jewish. Their for they take the Jews to Auschwitz and then the Jews life’s are absolute to the Nazis. That is why Bruno wonders about Auschwitz and why his father considered them not people.
    john B

  3. I think that his father says the Jews aren’t human because he thinks that is why he lost his previous job, Hitler was a nutcase but he was smart like Mrs. Rigsby said, he must have convinced Bruno’s father that the Jews where the reason he lost his job. That is why he agreed to run Out-With. And that is also why he resents and treats the Jews like they are animals or Aliens. Since Bruno is so Naïve and doesn’t know the horrors and secrets of Out-With he wants to know more about why the strange people or creatures as his father called are not people.

  4. I think that Bruno's dad's statement makes Bruno even more curious of the Jews because if his dad says that their not people, Bruno wants to figure out who the people on the other side of the fence really are. When Bruno finds out that he is not supposed to be on the other side of the fence, nor look on the other side of the fence, nor talk to the other people on the other side of the fence, he knows that he has to be really sneaky to talk to his new best friend, Shmuel. Bruno’s dad told Bruno that the Jews are not real people because he thinks that Bruno is too young to know the type of stuff they do to discipline the Jews. I also think that Bruno doesn’t know that the type of company Bruno’s dad works for hates the Jews and kill then in concentration camps. That is why I think that Bruno’s dad’s response encourages Bruno’s desire to know who the people on the other side of the fence really are.

