Monday, May 3, 2010

The Thief Lord

Ah Venice, the city of canals, narrow allies, grand palaces, masks, mysteries and a plethora of bridges. How does the setting of the story in Venice affect the adventures of Bo and Prosper? Use examples from the text to support your answer.


  1. If the story had not taken place in Venice, it would not have been as believable that Prosper and Bo were hiding so well. With all the canals, buildings, and bridges, Prosper and Bo could be in any corner without being found. "'Forget her! She's not looking for you anymore. And even if she is, then she wouldn't be looking here would she?'"

    (P.S I have not finished my reading by the time I have posted this. I decided to look at the blog question to see what I should look for throughout the assighnment. I figured that I already knew a lot about the setting and so I decided to post just to have it done with. )

  2. The story would be way different if the setting was not Venice, Italy. I mean, I don’t really think that Prosper and Bo’s adventures would be as interesting if they took place in Denver, Colorado. The setting in every story is a huge thing. In Italy, there are a lot of places to hide. There are not as many hiding places in Denver. If the setting was somewhere other than Venice, the whole story would totally fall apart…. Wouldn’t it?


  3. They say they have always they had always wanted to come to Venice in search of there families ancestors. Bo thinks everything is a fairytale and everything will end happy .as apposed to Prosper who has to protect Bo from the real Venice, Italy. But if the story took place somewhere else then Venice you wouldn’t have the culture that Venice has to finish the story.


  4. Venice affects the story and Bo because it has great hiding places and the places look the same. If they were anywhere else, they'd most likely be caught already. The rise of water makes the buildigs more abandoned and secret.

  5. Being in Venice is probably the most important thing in the story. There are so many hiding places, corners and alley to hide in. I'm not surprized that they have not been found.


  6. The reason it fits in the setting because if it was in Denver then it would not be easy to hide becuse there are a bunch of run down buildings that they can hide in like in Denver they would not be able to hide.

  7. If this story had not have taken place in Venice, Italy, the book would not be nearly as interesting. Venice is a place very different from the other places in the world. For example, no place in the world has so many spectacular hiding places and no where but Venice has no streets and only the canals. Prosper and Bo would not be hidden so well from their aunt and uncle if it didn't take place where it does. The setting is a very important element of this story. Just think-- What would happen if it took place in Colorado?

  8. I believe that the setting is a important aspect of the story. Say the story was located in Egypt or any other location. Things wouldn’t be the same. Prosper and Bo would journey with their poesy of homeless children through the narrow sidewalks of Venice. They wouldn’t ride in the sleek, wide gondolas through the canals that make up most of the amazing city. Everything happens the way it does because of the setting. The abstract, deserted theatre that the group bunks in would not have been there, and if that hadn’t been there oh! how the story would change. Cornelia Funke made it all happen for a reason
