Sunday, February 6, 2011

Forge Due 2/11

This author always leaves you hanging! What do you think is going to happen in the next book? What characters do you think will reappear?


  1. I think that Bellingham, Curzon, Isabel (obviously), Curzon's group in the army, and Gideon will all reappear in the next book. I think that Isabel will go find Ruth while Curzon still serve in the army (he swore to serve until the war was over). I also think that there will be at least a somewhat happy ending (or an epilogue). I'm pretty sure that the two "lovebirds" will soon get married.... I am assuming that this next book will probably have a cliff hanger but will then have an epilogue to explain the ending. Since Laurie Halse Anderson left off when Isabel and Curzon leave in a crowd of soldiers, I believe Isabel will have to become a washer woman and Curzon will be a soldier once again.

  2. YES, this author always leaves you hanging!
    I think that Curzon, Curzon's friends in the army and Isabel will be in the next book. Curzon swore he would fight until the end, so he will go back and join the army. After Isabel goes and finds Ruth, Isabel will go and be a washerwoman for the army. With the endings I have read from this author (Fever 1793, Chains and Forge) I realize this book is expected to have a cliffhanger. Although not with all series’, most last books a happy ending to some extent, so I am expecting some happiness.
    Grrr… No more cliffhanger endings, even if there is an epilogue.


  3. I agree with Alyssa that Gideon will reappear. Since Curzon hates him, he will most likely come back, because not all books are happy, right? I also believe that Eben will come back; he was so loyal to Curzon and an important character. Isabel and Curzon will set off in search of Ruth, but I think that, from the way Laurie Halse Anderson writes, Ruth might not be in one piece. I think this because, even though they got away the first time, not all characters will be so lucky... I do however, think that it will be a happy ending. She may make it a cliff hanger, but I can't imagine she would end it with some huge tragedy. Curzon will continue as a soldier, and Isabel will probably work for someone, (hopefully not a cook after her last experience). They will be free in the end. I also think that the ending will be somewhat like the end of the 7th Harry Potter. This just means that I think she will have the same type of cliffhanger, and an epilogue that takes place many years later. Hopefully the next book will be even better than Forge, (though it will be hard to beat) and without the ending that leaves you hanging! One other thing that I think she might do is to make the story from Ruth's perspective. Maybe she will even go back and forth between them all. It might not be so, but it's possible.
