Monday, March 15, 2010

The Book Thief

Compare and contrast the lives of Liesel and Max Vandenberg. How does Max's life give Liesel purpose? Max gives Liesel a story called, "The Standover Man" for her birthday. What is the significance of this story? Use text examples to support your answer. You must respond to this post as well as a fellow group member's post. This is worth five points.


  1. So Max is 24 and Lesiel is 13. They both have nightmares. Leisel and Max can both read books and like writing. Max is a boy and Leisel is a girl. Max lives in the basement and can't go outside but Leisel can iIsaac

  2. They are different in a lot of ways. Max is a Jew (oh that's a big secret to!Sure). Max is an older man who must live in a dusty basement with hardly anything to eat on some days. Liesel is a young girl trying to read at a level past her limit while Max can read very well. They both have secrets and loads of differences.

  3. I agree with Isaac be because his is the only blog visible. Max is older as I said in my first blog and Isaac said. Isaac is right because they both can read books. It's only a little bit obvious Max is a dude and Liesel is a little lady. So far, this book is the bomb diggity. I am so retro.

  4. Max and Liesel's lives are very different but at the same time similar because both of them have nightmares and both of them have grown up without much wealth. I have really been slamming the book but have not got to the part about the Standover Man so I cannot put the significance;
    I remember from the book how Liesel and Rudy found money on the ground but that wasn't enough money so they had to share it.

  5. Leisel and Max both like to read and they both have nightmares. There ages are also different. Max likes to make books and do cross word puzzles while Leisel likes to steal books and play soccer. Max can not go outside and has to keep hidden and stay in the basement but Leisel can go outside and be seen. Leisel and Max both have lost a family member and they both went to the Hubbarmans for help when things werent the best for either of them. They both live in the same house and they both do not like Rosa's cooking but enjoy Han's acordian. That is how Leisel and Max's lives are the same and different.
    I am really enjoying this book!


  6. I agree with Isaac with his reasons and differences about Leisel and Max's lives. Another difference that neither of us put in are blogs which is a main difference and the reason Max is hiding at Leisels house is that Max is a jew and Leisel is german.


  7. Sorry I got cut off. And Lesiel still has her family but Max doesn't have his. And I think the Standover man is important is because Max is afraid of standover men and I think he wants Leisel to not be afraid of standover men. In the book in his journal thing he said he was always afraid of people who stand over him and it started with his father he said but he didn't really know her father. Isaac

  8. Max is a a lot older than Leisel and he has had many more struggles. They both have nightmares, even though they are very different. Max has to always stay hidden, but Leisel can go many places. Max has always been ruled over by someone. These are some things about Leisel and Max.

  9. I agree with Lizzy because Max is a jew, and it is true that they are both readers and writers at heart.

  10. I agree with Zoe because Max has more troubles tan Leiseil cause he doesn't even go outside and he has to worry if he is going to get food. And Max is always getting told what to do like go in the4 basement to live and stuff. Isaac

  11. I think that there are many differences beetween Max and Lieseil. Their religon as everyone else also said but they both do like to read. I think also their characteristics are different, for example Max allways is a little more careful an scared. As Lizzy said,"THE BOOK'S THE BOMB DIGGITY!"

  12. I agree with with Isaac and Zoe about all of the troubles Max faces but I believe that buit his character to be quircky and careful.

  13. There are alot of differences and similarities between Max and Leisel. Max is 24, Leisel is 13. Max is Jewish, Leisel is Chritian. I could go on and on about it. They share a very critical thing, no real family. They are all either dead or missing. They both share horrible nightmares too.


  14. I agree with Pilar, Max is not allowed outside. The only reason for that is because he is Jewish. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but to the Germans, at that time, it was.
