Monday, April 5, 2010


Mr. Robert collects Isabel and Ruth on the day of Miss Mary's funeral. Why aren't the girls allowed to take personal items with them? Explain the symbolism of the seeds that Isabel hides in her pockets.


  1. In the book Chains, Mr. Robert collects the siters Isabel and Ruth. They are both young and have lost everything. When they left to be sol to possibly the worst people on Earth, they were foced to leave all behind because it was rightfully Miss Mary's. Even Ruth's special doll made out of corn husks was left painfully behind. The symbolisim of the seeds represent home, since all what they thought of as there belongings were to be left behind. They had nothing to remember except memories of the place where there mother had past away and where they had called home since they were tikes, since they were most likely never going to come back. The seeds helped conqer there fear of leaving everything behind.

  2. Isabel and Ruth aren't allowed to take personal items with them because there items are no longer there's, like the book said "nothing belonged to us". That is why they could not take there personal items. The seeds symbolises there old home, and there mother. The seeds also brings comfort to Isabel, which is also said in the story. That is what the seeds symbolise.


  3. I think it is because slaves weren't allowed to have as much stuff with them or owned by them. Most likely, people thought that forcing them to leave without anything was a sign of ownership and the ability to force them into something. The symbolism of the seeds is like hope getting ready to grow.

  4. The symbolism of the seeds in the book is that they are the only things Isabel has left of home and of what she had left of her mom. I believe that the reason why slaves like her weren't allowed to bring belongings is because, in that time, people who had dark skin were considered nothing at all, and the slave owners thought they shouldn't own anything either.

  5. Isabel and Ruth aren't allowed to take personal items because they can have something but when they leave it no longer belongs to them. The seeds symbolises their mother and they feel not as sad when they have them also the seeds comfort Isabel. That is why they aren't allowed to have personal item's and that is what the seeds symbolise.
