Monday, September 24, 2012

Breadwinner Due 10/1

Parvana has a completely different life that you. What are some of the more substantial differences? Use examples from the text to support your answer. Please make sure that this is a MINIMUM of five sentences and you have edited your post. This is worth five points.


  1. We live in different countries.Girls are allowed to go outside here without a man.We do not have to go outside wearing burqua's and chadors. Here people don't get punished for education in different countries.But there, you do.Men are just as important as women here, unlike there.

  2. Neave! October 1st 2012 10:21 am
    It’s different here because girls can go to school and don’t have to go outside with a man. Girls can wear what they want here and the do not have to wear burqua’s and chadors. We also have supermarkets where we can buy food and clothes they don’t. They have to sell things at a market to get money to buy food, we have jobs. Parvana has a much different and more difficult life then we do.

  3. The way Parvana and I are different is that in Afghanistan girls and woman have to wear a burqua and have to have a man or a boy with them if they want to go outside. In America woman and girls can go outside whenever they want. In Afghanistan the Taliban are taking over and here there not. Parvana has to fetch water from a tap then boil it. In America you turn on a faucet and water comes out and we don't have to boil it. In Afghanistan there are wars going on all the time. In America there are no wars happening. These are a few of the substantial differences that Parvana and I have.

  4. The differences between Parvana and I are very big. In Afghanistan the Taliban took over and here no one took over. We also do not have to go outside with a man. We also do not have to wear a burqa or a chador. I also do not have to pretend to be a boy.

  5. Women don't have to go outside with a man. We also dont have the Talaban barging onto our houses and taking people. Women also don't have to go out with a burqua on. We don't have to get water from the tap that is far. those are some substantial diffrences between me and Parvana

  6. Parvana and I are different because parvanas country is being took over by the Taliban. All I do is sit around eat, play video games, read and drink. Also Parvana hast to pretend she is a boy. I could not imagine pretending I was a girl. That is how I am different then parvana.

  7. I am different then Parvana in many ways. I do not have to pretend to be a boy, she does. I do not have to go every other day to a water tap a block away from my house seven times, she does. I live in Colorado, Parvana lives in Afganistan. Her country is ruled by the Taliban, my country has a president. In Afganistan women have to have a man with them to go outside, I don't. There women can't go outside without wearing a chador or burqa, I just wear regular clothes. Our president doesn't barge in and take people. Here we don't get punished for being educated. Women here are treated equally. Those are a few substantial differences between my life and Parvana's life.

