Monday, September 17, 2012

Holes Due 9/24

How does the curse affect Stanley? Use the text to support your answer. This is worth five points.


  1. The curse affects Stanley by giving him bad luck. Like when the shoes fall into his arms and he gets accused of stealing them. The curse was brought upon him because of his pig stealing great great grandfather when he forgot to carry madam zeroney to the top of the mountain. I can’t wait to see what happens.

  2. The curse affects Stanley by bringing him to Camp Green Lake.Well beacause Camp Green Lake their beds smell like sour milk and they have to dig big holes everyday.Also they only get 4 minuets showers in cold water and disgusting food for Breakfeast,Dinner and Lunch.Don't get me started on how they have to wake up at 5:00 in the morning for breakfeast.The people at Camp Green Lake are very rude.So these are some of the resons why the curse effects Stanley.


  3. I think the curse affects Stanley because he thinks he is always in the wrong
    place at the wrong time. His no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather, the first Stanley Yelnats, is the person that is always blamed when something bad happens to their family because he was robbed when riding a stage coach in the olden days. Stanley thinks that everyone in his family now has bad luck.

    - Frances

  4. the curse affects Stanley by giving him bad luck.his mean-snooty grandfather stole a pig.That's how Stanley got the curse.Stanley is a person who gets blamed when a bad thing happen to there family. It is like that because he was robbed while riding a stage coach.Now Stanley thinks his family has a curse.


  5. The curse that was put on Stanley was because of his great great grand father. Stanley is always at wrong place at the wrong time. Always when Stanley's family does something wrong they always blame it on there great great grand father. The curse really gets Stanley this time and Stanley is sent to camp green lake. Thats how think the curse of Stanley great great grandfather affects Stanley .

  6. Stanley Yelnats the V has a curse in his family. The curse was caused by his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing great-great-grandfather. The curse was handed down to his great-grandfather, then to his grandfather, then his dad, then him. The curse made Stanley start stealing and forced him to do other bad things. That's why he was sent to Camp Green Lake. -Tom
