Monday, September 24, 2012

The Tale of Desperaux Due 10/1

What is the meaning of life for Despereaux? Use text examples to support your answer.This should be a MINIMUM of five sentences. Also, please watch your grammar and capitalization.This is worth five points.


  1. In the book Tale of Desperaux, the mouse named Desperaux is very different. When he was born he had his eyes open.Which made his father nervous. Also Desperaux had huge ears, he was never looking for food, and instead of eating the pages of a book he would eat them. Desperaux is a very strange but adventurous mouse!


  2. Desperaux when he escapes from the dungeon he said the meaning of life is light. He even said he dreamed of light in stain glass windows and knights. But the teller of the story said he was so happy to be in the light. Desperaux even said light is life. Despraux was so happy when he fell out of that napkin but when his tail got cut of he was not happy.


  3. Desperaux is important because without Desperaux there would not be a rescue of the Pea from the dungeon. Also Desperaux helps the story come together by creating relationships with other characters for example “ Kill him the only good mouse is a dead mouse”, Cook said. The main reason of his life is basically to stand out and be different from the other mice. Desperaux is in many ways different from the other mice which makes him important. I think this is why he fell in love with the Princess Pea.


  4. I think the meaning of life to Despereaux is love. His love of life and love for the Princess Pea are a big part of his character. At first on his journey he met the Princess Pea, she loved him and he loved her in return. Despereaux always wanted to be her knight in shining armor just like the book he had read. In the end Gregory wraps Despereaux in the napkin to get out from the dungeon. Despereaux gets his tail cut off in the kitchen but he still manages to save his own life. The next morning when he arrives at the dungeon he finds Migery Sow and the Princess Pea and he is able to be the knight in shining armor that he always wanted to be. Depereaux and the Princess Pea live happily ever after but do not get married and are just friends unlike the library book he read. I think that the meaning of life to Despereaux is love and that’s why.

  5. The meaning of life to Despereaux is to be in love and live happily ever after. At the beginning of the book Despereaux, a mouse, falls in love with Princess Pea, a human. In Chapter 5, the book says "Desperereaux's love for the Princess Pea would prove, in time, to be all of these things: powerful, wonderful, and ridiculous." It was against mouse law to talk to humans, but Despereaux had to talk to Princess Pea in order to he happy. He risked being killed by the king to see the Princess. He told the Mouse Council that he "broke the rules for good reasons, because of music and because of love." He would rather go to the dungeon than renounce his love for Princess Pea. Even after escaping the dungeon and losing his tail he went back into the dungeon to save the Princess, whom he loved with all his heart. -Tess

  6. The meaning of life for Despereaux is light, soup, and especially love. That is because Despereaux is a special mouse who has a big heart and it is full of love, light, and some soup. Light, because without light the world would be dark and evil. When Despereaux was born, the sun reflected off his mother’s mirror. On page 13 it says, “The light was shining onto the ceiling in an oval of brilliance, and he was smiling up at the sight.” But light leads the way in life and it helps Despereaux on his adventures. Soup, because it brings warmth and love and laughter and bravery to a heart. On page 232, Cook offered Despereaux some soup. “Despereaux stepped into the saucer. Soup covered his paws. He bent his head into the hot broth. He sipped. Oh, it was lovely!” So when cook gave Despereaux some soup all those things swirled into his heart and made his trip to the dungeon just a little bit easier. Love, because if the world didn’t have love everybody would be cruel and earth would have no real life. It seems a little amazing that a mouse would fall in love with a human princess. But he did. On page 258, when Despereaux went into the dungeon to save the princess, she shouted, “Despereaux!” and it says, “Reader, nothing is sweeter in this sad world, than the sound of someone calling your name. Nothing.” Despereaux’s love made him unstoppable. So this is the meaning of life for Despereaux Tilling. -Ariana

  7. I think the meaning of life for Despereaux, is lots of things but one of them is bravery. I think bravery is important for Despereaux because he has always dreamed of being a hero for all his life. Like when he dreamed of the night in armor. Yet I also think the meaning of life for him would be kindness, love, and light because when he goes to save the princess in the dungeon it’s for love. But there could be many meanings of life for Despereaux.


  8. The meaning of life for Despereaux is love light and bravery. It is love because he loves the princess and wants to save hear. It is light because Despereaux loves light and wants to be near it all the time. It is bravery because Despereaux wants to be the night how saves the princess sooooooo bad. As you can see there are many things Despereaux lives for.
