Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Westing Game DUE 4/15

Who do you think is the murderer and why? Use examples from the text to support your answer. In addition, once you have posted your reflection, you must respond to another group member's post. Do you agree or disagree with their notion of who the murderer is? Why or why not? In total, this will be worth five points


  1. I think that the murderer is Sandy. Why I think this is because Sandy knows a lot about Sam Westing, but at the same time doesn’t seem to like him. He is the doorman so he can go anywhere without people knowing, but he knows when people come into and leave Sunset Towers. He also made his clues make the most sense. In conclusion, I believe that Sandy murdered Sam Westing.

  2. I think the murderer was Sydelle Pulasky because she has only one purple crutch, and everyone who comes out of the Westing house alone has screams and remembered purple waves. Also, nobody knows where her second crutch is. Plus, two of the clues spelled "purple waves". Next, When she says
    "I'm not the murderer! Why would someone like me do that?" she is so obvious. Since nothing else is published, I can't respond. In conclusion, I think that Sydelle Pulasky was the murderer.

  3. I think the murderer, or should I say murderers are Sandy and Barney Northrup. I think there are multiple murderers because it is most unlikely. I think that Sandy and Barney are the murderers because they are both barely mentioned in the book. In my theory of multiple murderers, I don't think that Sandy and Barney are the only murderers. I think there could also be more than two. I'm not sure who the rest are but I think that because of how unlikely it is it is actually very likely. Barney and Sandy aren't mentioned a lot in the book so I think that at least SOME of the murderers are them. In conclusion, those are the reasons why I think there are multiple murderers and that at least SOME of them are Sandy and Barney.

    - Ev

    P.S. Ms. Rigsby, it is the last day to blog and you haven't published anyone else's blog so I can't do the second question (based on someone else's blog).

  4. I think the murder of Sam Westing was Sydelle Pulaski for a plethora of reasons. First, Sydelle doesn't get a lot of attention so she could have killed Sam Westing. Next, Chris saw someone with a limp walk into Sam Westings house, and Sydelle had a limp. Third, Sydelle was wearing "purple waves" to the reading of the will and someone who had entered the house before kept saying "purple waves". In conclusion, I think the murder of Sam Westing was Sydelle Pulaski.

  5. I think the murderer was Sydelle Pulasky because she has only one purple crutch, and everyone who comes out of the Westing house alone has screams and remembered purple waves. Also, nobody knows where her second crutch is. Plus, a clue spelled "purple waves". In conclusion, I think that Sydelle Pulasky was the murderer.
