Monday, January 25, 2010

The Breadwinner

Why do you think Shauzia talks so much about France? Do you think her dreams are realistic? Use text examples to support your answer, then comment on another post.


  1. I think shauzia talks so much about france because she wants to get away from her grandparents and out of afghanistan, I think she wants to be free and she thinks france is a place of freedom where she can live in peace.In the text it says that shauzia was saving money to get out of afghanistan


  2. I agree with Erik. Shauzia said that she's seen only beautiful pictures of France. She also desribed a pictureof flowers, which she would "walk into that fieldand sit down in the middle of it, and not think about anything." pg 126.

  3. Shauzia wants to go to France for the beauty she saw in all the pictures. "In one picture I saw a whole field of purple flowers." pg 126. She also said "France people must have bad days, but I don't think their days can be very bad, not bad like here" pg 126, she also said, after parvana asked how her parents would get along, "I just have to get out of here. I know that makes me a bad person, but what else can I do?" pg 127.

  4. I agree with Oscar because shauzia did realy want to get out of afghanistan and go to france because of all the great pictures she's saw from there. I also think that Shauzia is tired of having no freedom and knows that she might never get freedom.


  5. Life in Afghanistan must be really bad if Shauzia wants to go to France that much. I really think Shauzia loves France because its so beatiful. I don't understand how France is very beatiful but I don't live in Afghanistan and Afganistan must be very dirty and rocky.


  6. I think Shauzia talks so much about France because she really wants to get out of all the horror that goes on in Afghanistan. I know that I would want to get out of all the bombing and the Taliban beating on people. It says in the book that “in every picture I’ve seen of France, the sun is shining, people are smiling, and flowers are blooming." 125-126. this is a great reason in my opinion.


  7. I think that all the quotes that describe what I'm trying to say are already used. I looked through almost the whole book and I couldn't find one that really meant what I am saying. Here's my favorite"in every picture I’ve seen of France, the sun is shining, people are smiling, and flowers are blooming." 125-126. This really describes what Shauzia is saying. It must be really bad in Afghanistan.


  8. I agree with Oscar, also because there is absolutely no freedom for women and only a little freedom for men. Parvana asks Shauzia how her family would survive and Shauzia doesn't really care, but she has a couple really good reasons: since when has her family treated her with respect and her family fights so much I wonder if they even notice Shauzia.


  9. I think she dislikes her grandparents so
    wants to get away. I'd go to France if I
    was her. Well, it must be pretty nice in
    France beacause Shauzia souns like she
    knows so much. '" In every picture I've
    seen of France, the sun is shining,
    people are smiling, and flowes are
    blooming."' pg.136

  10. I agree with Erik because Shauzia wants to have freedom. She wants to hang out with girls and
    go to school have a normal life. Well, she'd have
    to make new friends, though.She wants to go to France because of piantings she saw were so beutiful and wants to see the places for herself.


  11. I agree with Camilla because I don’t live in Afghanistan so I can’t say for sure how bad it is there. I think France is very butiful too so I would want to go there to. She must have seen the photograph in a school because the Taliban don’t allow photographs.


  12. I agree with Shauzia. I love France, but I do not think her dreams are that realistic because it might take her a really long time to get there, and she may not like it as much. I think she likes it so much because it is a happy place to imagine yourself in when you are in that situation.


  13. I agree with Cameron because it is fun to just get away from what has been going on in your life. Almost like an imaginary land in your head.


  14. I think Shauzia talks about France so much because she hates her life in Afghanistan. Her grandparents argue so much and didn't like her mom that much anyway. It makes it even worse that they are stuck in there."If they're not actually arguing they sit and glare at eachother.

  15. I agree with Cameron talking about how she sees the happy pictures with flowers blooming. In Afghanistan it is the exact opposite.
    -Tabitha (the last one was mine too.)
