Monday, October 11, 2010

Breadwinner due 10/15

Parvana has a completely different life that you. What are some of the more substantial differences? Use examples from the text to support your answer. This will be worth five points.


  1. she lives in one room with an entire family minus dad. i have my own room and bed. parvana sleeps on toshaks. i am aloud tou play outside. she has to disguise herself as a boy named kaseem. i have a dad who can do things with me. parvanas dad is in prison. hard life for parvana.

  2. Parvana's life is different from ours because first of all, she lives in Afghanistan. She lives on the third floor of bombed apartment. Her "house" is half the size of our classroom. Her father is in prison. She has to dress up as a boy and sell things at the market. She also has no friends and can't go to school. Every now and then she has to walk a pretty long way to get water for her family.

    I live in America, I live in a real all the way built house, my dad lives in a house (but not always with me), I don't have to dress up like a girl and go sell things, I have lots of friends and I go to school, and I never have to get water for my family. We have a sink.

  3. it may sound that parvanna's life is horrid but she mostly lives the every day life of a ten year old girl. Thats tough right. The only difference between her and a regular 10 year old girl in afganistan is that she dresses up like a boy called kaseem.The difference between her and a kid in america is enormous.I can go outside by my free will she has to wear a burqua and she has to have a man. She lives in a shack/apamtment that is half bombed. She has it much harder than anybody in our classroom
    Oliver is awsome

  4. Paravana's life is different than mine because she lives in a shack, lost her father and is forced to be a boy. Some good has came out of this though, like learning Taliban can have feelings and that she isn't the only girl with this life. "The tea boy was a girl from her class." Pg 94
    Jack ):<
