Monday, November 5, 2012

Bridge to Terabithia Due 11/12

Jess comes to feel that "Leslie was more than his friend. She was his other, more exciting self-his way to Terabithia and all the worlds beyond" (p. 46). In your own words, what does this mean? This is worth five points.


  1. I think that it means that they had a very strong friendship. Jess also thinks that there friend ship is magical. Also there friendship is special and unique. It also sounds like since she is very creative they could have had more fun together. So, I think that it means they have a very strong friendship.

  2. What it means is Leslie isn’t just a friend to Jess. She’s more than that she’s like Jess’ sister. At first Jess thinks oh she’s just another kid, but she wasn’t and now they are like best friends. She created Jess’ imagination and made him let it take over. That is how Terabithia came to be. That is what that means.

  3. I think it means they unique, because they don't care what anyone else says or thinks about their friendship. At first Jess feeels like she's wierd, and would never be friends with a girl. Later he relizes that they share the same hobbies and are both very creative. I think Jess admires the way that Leslie stands up to the older kids. I think they have a unique frienship that can not be broken.

  4. I think it means that they are very close friends.And Jess dosen't care that kids say Leslie is his girlfriend. That's why I think they are very close. But it says in the book it says that Jess likes Leslie. that is also why I think they are close.

  5. Jess felt that he was much more than friends in Terebithia and beyond because he had a connection with Leslie. he was able to feel better around her. I think Leslie and Jess would have been friends forever if she hadn't died in the river. They go so well together because they don't care what the others think. They didn't give second thought to there friendship.

  6. I think Leslie isn't just a friend to Jess because they create a sister and brother love relationship and a secret imaginary world between them over the course of the story. Leslie also gives Jess bravery, imagination, creativity and mental strength. (Though at first Jess hates Leslie for beating him in a school race.)
