Monday, April 19, 2010

Murder on the Orient Express

Discuss the individual interviews Poirot conducts with the passengers. Does his approach differ according to the class, gender, background, or profession of the interviewees? As you accumulate information about circumstances involving the crime and learn more about the identities of the passengers, which characters emerge as the most likely suspects?


  1. The people that seem as likley suspects are the people that have evedince of that they did it. Like the italian I belive smoke the pipe.
    The way it seems that he aproaches the interviews baced on what they seem like, where they are from, and just some are all diferent in generaly.


  2. His interviews change with class and gender. With the conduter. he isn't that careful to not ask rude or wierd questions. With the Swedish lady he more careful, but still is kind of rude because she is lower class. With all the evidence the murderer in my opinion comes down to two people. The third conductor or princess Dragomiroff. The princess because nobody would think that it was her. She has royalty. The third conducter because the conduter's interview said that he answered Ratchett's bell then ran outside to the snow.

  3. Well the most that I think is the conductor and the princess. Why? There is supposed to be three conductors on board not only two. And the princess I just think. Plus Hubbard name starts with H and the handkerchief that they found had an H on it. Even though she says it isn't hers I am still very suspicious of that.

  4. Some of the questions are different but there are always some that are the same: What did you do the night of the murder? Did you hear or see anything unusual? Did the person next to you leave the apartment?
    I also have an idea about the Count and the Countress. Since they didn't barely give any information, and the Count assures Poroit that he didn't need to see his wife, they must be hiding something...they commited the murder! Or, one of the conducters because one is gone and one was really late to answer the bell. My last guest is Princess Draginmoroff because she knew the people in the Armstrong case
