Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mysterious Benedict

Each child in the "Mysterious Benedict Society" has their own special talents, give examples of how these talents have been utilized through out the book. Use specific examples to support your answer.


  1. Constance surprisingly has an amazing ability. She can hear voices in her head. This means that she can read messages from Mr. Curtain. For sticky,his ability plays along beacause he is able to read books really fast. He taught the others Morse Code with a flashlight to communicate at night in the Institute. A quote of Sticky about morse code is "Acually, I do. I can teach you all if you like."{pg.119} Kate has strategy. She plans things out and does them perfectly. An example is when her and Reynie were spying on S.Q. and it went near perfect! Rreynie however, is more of an assistant to Kate. Though,like Sticky,he is extremely smart.

  2. Finally I have figured out Constance's talent! She can hear the voices when the others can't! At least I think thats what her talent is...

    Sticky's talent is memorizing things. He never would have made it through the maze the second time if he hadn't memorized where he went.

    Kate's talent is being handy (especially because she has her bucket with her). In the maze she crawled throught the heating vent. She used the srewdriver in her bucket to undue the nails. According to pg 61 "Not as long as I have my bucket with me," Even without her bucket she is pretty handy to crawl through the vent and into the boy's room.
    Reynie's talent is that he is SMART. He saw the puzzle in the second test. He used the panels in the maze.
    Combining their talents, they make a great time.

  3. Kate has used her athletic abilities to get herself through many places. She makes a good spy since she can judge distances and spaces, so she can hide in the vents, and she has strategy. Constance can hear the voices and recordings of the messengers, so she can warn them when time is running short or when it stops. Reynard can solve riddles or puzzles, and he's very cautious and sure of himself. Sticky is very smart and facts and things he learned about stick to his mind, hence his name. An Example is: '"Too bad we can't actually give them belly aches." said Constance. Sticky's ears perked up. "Who says we can't?"'{p.397} He also knows Morse Code, which is very useful when it comes to communicating. Therefore, they are all important to the mission.

  4. Reynie is a leader to all of the others. he is able to figure out puzzles. Sticky is smart so he can do things others can't. Kate is athlectic and acrobatic. Constance can hear messages in her mind, so that helps them figure out the messages. Reynie helps them figure out the codes and messages around them. sticky is smart so it helps them become messengers faster. Kate is athletic so she can get anything they need. "All of their minds where resisting the messages, but constance- annnd only constance- could hear the messengers voice"
    page 217


  5. I think that the kids have amazing talents, an are almost always using them. Constance is always using her talent, and has lots of good ideas. Kate is always being helpful by using her speed and sneaky spying abilities. Sticky has a photographic memory so he never fails tests, but gets nervous fast and frequently. Reynie has good thinking skills and is using them to come up with plans to stop Mr. Curtain.
    "In the midst of going round and round in his mind about not facing the Whisperer, however, Reynie did stumble against something which- if seen from a distance and not stared at directly- might resemble a plan." -pg 394


  6. Kate uses her talent of automatically knowing heights and weights by applying it to her circus abilities. Because of this she always knows the exact amount of rope she needs. Sticky uses his photographic memory to teach others things no one else would have known. Renie is a good leader and can solve puzzles. He is usualy the one to solve the mesages from Mr.Benedict. Constance's ability is resisting. "'Because she's resisting!' Reynie cried. 'And no one resists like Constace!'"(pg. 458)
