Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Westing Game

Okay....so you might hate me for making you stop reading! Who do you think the murderer is now? Use information from the text to support your answer. This is worth five points.


  1. I think the murderer is Sydelle Pulaski. Quote: "Someone (Chris could not tell if the person was a man or a woman) came out of the shadows on the lawn, unlocked the French doors, and disappeared into the Westing house. Someone with a limp." Pulaski, later in the book, had a limp. The quote is from pages eight and nine.


  2. There are many posibilities of who the murderer could be. It might be Sydelle Pulaski. According to page 41, Pulaski says "I'm not the murderer, Angela is not the murderer, and we don't think you are the murderer," That's suspicous. Turtle's parents may also be the murderer. Her mo is acting all sweet and nice; probably to hide something. There are just so many heirs, it could be anyone.

  3. i think Otis Amber is the murderer, because he has a very low IQ (50 to be exact). One of my clues, on page 135, it says "For amber waves of grain." Amber!"


  4. I have no clue who the murder is but their is clues all over the place. I have suggestions who it might be. I notice that in Jacks above it says " for amber waves of grain." And as Criss noticed grain = oats=Otis. And because he seems insane and knew about Westing before turtle saw him dead. So my best geuss is Otis Amber


  5. At this point I think that anybody at Sunset Towers could be the murderer. Or maybe more than one person was involved. Clues: braided kicking, limping, AM BrothER, skies=sikes dr.sikes. Clues, not results. Maybe these clues are a red herring. They point to random people that might throw you off, as in Turtle, Sydelle Pulaski, Otis Amber and Dr. Sikes. I can’t wait to find out who the murder or murderers are. Ben

  6. i think the murderer is matter a fact turtle. she is the bomber when i read this caption i freaked out:
    i turtle wexler confess to thos foure bombs.
    weird and fun. it is crazy. it is very likely that im wrong
