Monday, November 1, 2010

Book Thief Due 11/3

Okay, I said from the beginning that this story was different. When the narrator is "Death" things are going to be unique. What do you think of "Death?" Is he good or evil? Use examples from the text to support your answer.


  1. I think that he is good because he is very kind with the fragile souls when he takes them away. He also sees the world in a different way like he says in the begining he sees lots of colors in the world. Has a unique sense of humor and trys to help you understand what is going on. Some of the bold things are sad and some are funny that is why he is different. I also think because he is so unique no one can take his place as death. I think that Death is touched by the Book Theif and that is why he is telling us her story.

  2. Death is like bittersweet chocolate. He is bitter because he picks up dead souls, but that doesn't make him sad or bad. He doesn't resent his duty even though he doesn't love it, and knows that no one could take his place. He's sweet because he barely has feelings when he almost talks to Liesel after her brother dies."Please, again, I ask you to believe me. I wanted to stop. To crouch down. I wanted to say:" I'm sorry child." But that is not allowed." (page 13) He seems to have feelings, but because he has been "Death" for so long, he barely can feel them. Death is good and bad. He has a strange sense of humor.


  3. I think Death is both good and evil for a few reasons. Death is not violent, and he does not like living eternaly and carrying souls away. However, he doesn't take sides. He watches their death and takes their souls with him. He just is there to take souls away. He seems tired of his job, and he doesn't always want to do what he does. "You see, to me, for just a moment, despite all of the colors that touch and grapple with what I see in this world, I will often catch an eclipse when a human dies. I've seen million of them. I've seen more than I care to remember." [pg.11]
    These are the reasons why I think Death is both good and evil.

  4. I think death is good because of multiple reasons. First I think he has feelings for Leisel that have made him feel somewhat happy. He fallows her around and watches her life comparing it to his own. On page13 it says “I wanted to stop. To crouch down. I wanted to say I am sorry child.” I don’t think he looks up to her as a mentor but she makes him feel happy, wanting to be better. Also, I don’t think he picked his job as a choice. He doesn’t want to kill people or rip their souls from there body’s every single day of his life. I think he wants to be a normal person that has feelings, and has a family to care for and love. That is why I think death is a good person. sam

  5. I think Death could be evil. He goes aroung taking dead peoples' souls for time being. He does his work in Germany, during the time of World War 2. Though, there is one good thing about him. He is sarcastic and funny. Throughout the book he gives out sarcastic comments about people that are the main characters. One about Hans Hubermann, on page 33,"some facts about Hans Hubermann- He loveed to smoke. The main thing he enjoyed about smoking was the rolling. He was a painter by trade and played the piano accordian. This came in handy,especially in Winter, when he could make a little money, playing in the pubs of Molching, like Knoller. He had already cheated me in one world war but would later be put into another(as a perverse kind of award), where he would somehow manage to avoid me again."

    Death is a bad man/thing. I like him though. He could even be good.

  6. I think Death is good, and I feel sorry for him. He has a tough job, and I would hate to be him. On page 6, in bold print, it says, 'Please, be calm, despite that previous threat. I am all bluster- I am not violent. I am not malicious. I am a result.' I like that quote, because he thinks that people think bad of him, which they do. Another thing about his job; page 106 explains everything.

    'Some facts about Stalingrad-
    1. In 1942 and early '43, in that city, the sky was bleached bed-sheet white each morning.
    2. All day long, as I carried the souls across it, that sheet was splashed with blood, until it was full and bulging to the earth.
    3. In the evening, it would be wrung out and bleached again, ready for the next dawn.
    4. And that was when the fighting was only during the day.'

    I felt so sorry for Death as I read that! It's not like he chose his job! Now I am sure he is good- not evil.


  7. I don't think that Death is a sad and depressed creature, but I don't think he is happy either. I think that he once had feelings but over the years they got bleached and became bland. I don't think he is good or evil. He isn't evil because all he is doing is picking up souls and putting them on the "conveyor belt of eternity". The only reason he might be good is because he notices the colors. "A single hour can consist of thousands of different colors. Waxy yellows, cloud-spat blues. Murky darkness. In my line of work, I make it a point to notice them." (pg. 4) Furthermore, the book says that Death doesn't take sides. That is why I don't think that Death is good or evil.


  8. I think that death is good. he cares for liesel and has feelings under his sarcastic outside. I think that death may have had children or a child like liesel, so that is why he likes her so much. death acts like a father to liesel, he didnt choose this path. I don't think that death likes killing people. death pays attention to all the detials and colors. Thay is why i think death is good.

