Monday, April 11, 2011

Anne Frank due 4/15

For what reasons do you think Anne kept a diary

while she was in hiding? How do you think her
diary helped Anne through this diffi cult time?
How is what Anne writes about herself in her diary
different from the way she acts around the other
occupants of the annex? Why do you think Anne
hides some of her true feelings from the others?


  1. I think Anne kept a diary in hiding because she thoght that memories were more important than clothes. Also, she wanted to have a friend (Kitty) to whom she could tell her secrets. She knew that it was alot easier to speak to paper, because paper always listened and never said a word about what she thought. Furthermore, her diary helped her through the times because, as I said before, it was someone to listen to her. She was also able to entertain herself with it, it was writing after all. When she wrote in her diary, she was able to express herself in ways she could not around the others in the annex. I think that this was because she did not think particularly fondly of anyone there. "I have two things to confess to you today, which will take a long time. But I must tell someone, and you are the best one to tell, as I know that, come my way, you always keep a secret." pg. 128. She doesn't want anyone but her diary to know how she really feels because she is slightly ashamed, and yet she knew that they would all disagree with her opinions. After all, the people from the annex always had strong feelings, and so did Anne.

  2. I think that some of the reasons Anne kept a diary is because it helped her cope through her rough times while she lived in the “Secret Annexe”. Her diary also allowed Anne to write down all her feelings, thought, opinions, etc. This assisted her in many ways especially since Anne had no one she could tell how she felt, no one she could turn to. The way Anne writes about herself makes you feel bad for her and think that she is right all the time. However, when she tells “Kitty” about her arguments or what she says to different members of the Annexe make you realize that she isn’t as perfect as she describes herself! I also believe that some of the reasons she hides some of her true feelings from the others is because she knows that they will either laugh at her or they won’t understand what she is trying to say. For example, Anne says that whenever her and Peter say something serious, the occupants of the Annexe laugh at her. When they tell everybody a joke, the adults take them seriously.

  3. I think Anne kept a diary because it helped her understand her life betterr and get through the harsh times. Also, maybe she wanted to read them after the war, but that of course didn't happen. The diary probable helped her by being able to get her feelings out of her and on paper. Paper can't speak, so she can write down her secrets and know one will know. On page 128, Anne says, "But I must tell someone and you are the best one to tell, as I know that, come what you may, you always keep a secret." She acts differently to her diary than to real people, because people always criticize her, and a diary cannot. She bids her personal feelings, because her mother will say, "There are people less fortunate than you!"


  4. Anne kept her diary and wrote in it to have somebody to talk to about stuff she didn't want to tell anybody or stuff no one would listen to. I suppose Anne's diary was like an imaginary friend. When Anne was writing in the diary she seemed to think it was totally safe and no one would ever look at it. Anne wrote her feelings in the diary, so she was tentitave to just hand it off. Anne also seems to be getting crazy too. On page 115 she wrote, "Ode to my fountian pen," in this chapter all she wrote about was her fountian pen.

