Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Murder on the Orient Express Due 4/22

DO NOT READ THIS UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED THE BOOK!!! Is the murder of Ratchett justified? Why or why not?


  1. The murder of Ratchett is not justified. In fact, all murders aren’t really justified. A lot of times, the reason for the murder isn’t necessary. In this book, I don’t think any of the twelve people who killed Ratchett had a good reason to do it. They probably were just playing a trick on Hercule. All twelve of the suspects probably escaped after Hercule found out they murdered Ratchett, but the police must have caught most of them. They murdered an innocent man for nothing.

  2. The murder of Ratchett is justified and not justified. It is justified because Ratchett was actually Cassetti, who was the kidnapper and murderer of little Daisy Armstrong. They might have done a good thing by putting him out of the way so he didn’t do the same thing again. On page 100 it says, “’You feel strongly about the matter Mr. MacQueen?’ ‘I have a particular reason for doing so. My father was the district attorney who handled the case, Mr. Poirot. I saw Mrs. Armstrong more than once-she was a lovely woman. So gentle and heartbroken.’ His face darkened. ‘If ever a man deserved what he got, Ratchett-or Cassetti-is the man. I’m rejoiced at his end. Such a man wasn’t fit to live.’ ” It was not justified because this was a horrific act punishable by life in prison. Murdering someone is never okay even if they murdered someone else. They should never have taken it into their own hands. The killing of Ratchett is justified in some cases and not justified in others.


  3. The murder of Ratchett is both justified, and not justified. It is justified because many people who had their heart broken because 'Ratchett' killed Daisy Armstrong, which led to many events. They wanted to get revenge and prevent something like that from happening to another innocent child. It is not justified because there are other ways to justify murder, such as prison. They also did not know Ratchett themselves, until they got on the train, they never exactly knew him. Furthermore, they shoudln't have taken it into their own hands to murder him because they'll be punished for expressing their grief. The murder of Ratchett can be justified or it can't be.

  4. I believe that murder cannot ever be justified because he did something irreparable. No one could ever see little Daisy Armstrong again, because she was dead, and the family was full of sorrow and maybe never complete again. The people that killed Ratchett were all hurt by this incident.

    They shouldn't have taken the matter into their own hands, which brings up something else. It really matters what happens in the murder. In this case, it still wasn't justified, and Daisy Armstrong might still have been being mourned. People might have still be adoring the dead baby. But, Ratchett might have people mourning him, people that loved him, also. It is still not justified because the public didn’t get to see him in the electric chair or a life in prison.
    But murder is still never justified!

